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Is A Round Of Golf Worth Over £500?

Is a round of Golf worth over £500?
Watching the golf coverage last week from Pebble Beach, once again highlighted how expensive it can be to follow in the footsteps of the game’s biggest stars. To play at Pebble Beach will now cost around $2500, this includes a two night stay and a game on Spyglass Hill. Conservatively the game of golf at Pebble is valued at well in excess of $500. How many of us would either be able to afford this or even if we could afford it, justify the cost?
Unlike most other sports, one of golf’s most appealing features is the ability to play a game on a championship venue where the history of the game has been shaped. Tennis lovers can’t get on to the centre court at Wimbledon nor football fans can’t run onto the turf at Wembley but we have the ability, outside of Augusta, to play most of the great courses that define the Professional game.
Many of our championship courses in the UK & Ireland may be expensive in the summer months but most will offer decent value for money in the winter and early spring and this is when you should take advantage of the opportunity that is provided. A round does not have to cost you £250 it could cost you as little at £80. Then when you are next watching an Open Championship or Ryder Cup your viewing experience will be greatly enhanced as you can directly relate to the challenge the Professionals are facing.