Opportunity Knocks for some Clubs
Throughout the Covid 19 pandemic most focus regarding golf clubs’ has been the on the perilous financial state many of them will find themselves in this year. The lack of revenue previously generated from green fees and clubhouse’s is putting financial strain on all clubs. Some like Fortwilliam GC in Belfast have decided to protect there long term future by selling part of the golf course for housing development.
In the midst of this crisis there may also be an opportunity for clubs to capitalize and attract new members whose current sporting / social opportunities are severely limited. It is really encouraging to hear that both Dunmurry GC in Belfast and Masserene GC in Antrim have significantly increased their membership numbers during the last couple of months. This will undoubtedly ease the financial pressure on both clubs this year and in the years going forward.
Existing members of clubs always get frustrated when they see new members getting introduced to their club at a reduced rate that is less than their annual subscription. Of course it is annoying but if members “don’t suck it up” they may well have more to moan about when their club ceases to exist. We are unfortunately in a different world now, but if clubs think creatively and reach out to people who currently cannot play Football, GAA or Rugby then they may find the best possible long term solution for their club, a new generation of members.